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Pamela Aoko Achieng, a 22-year-old from Nairobi County, harbored a deep interest in the hospitality industry, particularly in cooking and service. However, her aspirations were hindered by financial constraints, preventing her from enrolling in a hospitality course despite her passion.

Through a friend, Pamela learned about the CAP YEI program, specifically its hospitality course. Recognizing this as an opportunity to pursue her dreams, Pamela eagerly enrolled in the program, which provided her with the necessary training and education in hospitality.

Under the guidance of CAP YEI, Pamela underwent a transformative journey. She not only acquired the technical skills required for the hospitality sector but also developed essential life skills that bolstered her confidence and communication abilities. Through the practical knowledge gained from the program, Pamela became adept at applying her learning in real-world scenarios.

Pamela’s gratitude towards CAP YEI knows no bounds as she reflects on the profound impact the program has had on her life. With newfound skills and confidence, Pamela is now capable of pursuing her passion for hospitality with determination and enthusiasm. She expresses her appreciation for the opportunities provided by CAP YEI, which have enabled her to envision a brighter future in the hospitality industry.

Looking ahead, Pamela is motivated to further her studies in hospitality, aiming to attain a higher level of expertise in her field. Inspired by her journey, she harbors aspirations of one day providing similar opportunities to other young individuals aspiring to carve a path in the hospitality sector. Additionally, Pamela’s entrepreneurial ambitions have been ignited, and she envisions establishing her own business in the future, leveraging the skills acquired through the program.